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Can you worm farm in all hardiness zones? That is the question that many people are asking themselves. If you live in a cold area, can you still get away with worm farming? The answer is yes. This blog post will discuss if it's possible to worm farm in all hardiness zones and handle your worm farms during the year's colder months. 

Is it possible to worm farms in all hardiness zones?

Yes, of course! It's not about where you live but what the temperature is like. As long as it stays between 20 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit, your worm farm can still be successful. It would be best to make sure that your worms stay warm enough with good insulation so they won't freeze- this includes stacked shredded cardboard or hay. 

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What do you do with your worm farm during the winter?

-If it is just for a few days, then all that will happen is some of your worms will die. However, if they have dug deep enough into the bedding-temperature should be OK, and more worms can survive. Another option is to cover your worm farm with a sheet of plastic or tarp before putting it on the lid for winter. 

-If you're going to leave it for longer than that, then dig up all the worms and put them in boxes filled with bedding mixed with sawdust (or some other bedding). Keep these boxes warm by placing them in the sun, a heated room, or an insulated garage.

-If you live in an area with long periods of cold weather (like Canada), then it will be challenging to find enough food for your worms, and they can't survive in the wintertime. You may want to try worm composting instead if that is the case!

 What are the benefits of keeping your worm farm alive during winter?

-It's a great way to recycle food scraps from your kitchen.

-The worms can help make nutrient-rich compost for gardening, use in gardens or on lawns, and even sold as fertilizer if you live in an area where that is legal!

-They also produce castings which are used as soil enrichment.

How do you get started with a worm farm?

-You can buy a worm farm from the store or build one yourself using an old container such as a plastic bin.

-Make sure it has sides that are at least 12 inches high, enough space for your worms to move around, and plenty of air circulation with holes in the lid.

What kind of food scraps should you feed your worms?

-It's best to feed your worm farm kitchen scraps that can be digested by the worms, such as fruit and vegetable peels. You should never put meat, dairy, or fat into a worm bin since those items will attract pests!

You can also use shredded paper from old newspapers in place of food scraps. However, the worms can eat right through the newspaper, so you will need to add a little water and make sure it is moist before adding it.

What do I do with my worm castings?

-The result of your worm farm is called "worm castings," which are used as soil enrichment for plants and gardens. You can use these castings to fertilize your plants, or you can sell them as organic compost.

Tips for successful and sustainable worm farming

-Place a piece of moist newspaper on the bottom layer to absorb any excess liquid.

-Add some shredded paper from old newspapers or food scraps like fruit and vegetable peels.

-Always check your worm farm periodically to make sure it isn't too wet, dry, smelly, or infested with pests!

Worms as food, medicine, and feedstock

-Worms can be eaten as a delicacy or used for medicinal purposes.

-They are an excellent feedstock because they don't produce greenhouse gas emissions, and their manure is rich in nutrients.

Benefits of worm farming:

-It's sustainable and environmentally friendly! Worm farms provide natural fertilizers that you can use in your garden. 

In Conclusion:

When it comes to worm farming, worms do best in warmer weather. This doesn't mean that they can't survive in colder weather, but some precautionary steps need to be taken. A tarp or covering should be placed over the bin if the weather will be below 20 degrees Fahrenheit.

It would be best to move your container into an isolated area like a garage during the winter months when the weather gets too cold for bins to be left outside. Worm farming is a fun and rewarding experience for children and adults alike. Remember to tend to your farm often for the healthiest benefits and soil for your plants and gardens!

Grow Bigger Plants with Simple Grow

Do you wish your plants would grow bigger? Was your garden less than it should've been last year?

If you're tired of growing puny vegetables and fruits, it's time for an upgrade...Simple Grow Worm Castings!

What are worm castings? Another term for worm manure. Why would you want to use it in your garden, raised beds, and house plants? Because it makes them grow bigger, faster and healthier...with no chemicals!

How do worm castings do this? It's like giving your plants a powerful multivitamin with everything they need to grow. Trace minerals, nutrients, and most importantly...worm castings are chock full of beneficial microbes. Why does that make a difference?

In recent years, we've learned the importance of gut bacteria for humans and know that it impacts so many different parts of our health. The same thing applies with worms. Gut bacteria from the worm's digestive tract gets into the soil from the worm castings and promotes plant health. Plants have a symbiotic relationship with the microbes from the worm's digestive tract. Plants respond to it and grow really big...really fast!

If you've never tried worm castings before, you owe it to yourself to give them a try. Instead of using traditional chemical fertilizers from the big box store, why not try fresh, certified organic worm castings this year? You'll be able to grow bigger, healthier plants that you actually can feel good about eating. 

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